ARG Conservation Services (ARG/CS) was retained by Stanford University in the spring of 2014 to assess conditions and execute treatments for the ten mosaics that decorate the exterior east elevation of the Cantor Arts Center. The mosaics are constructed of glass tesserae embedded in a cement mortar.
Work was planned so that it would coincide with a roof replacement project in order to take advantage of scaffolding access. Existing conditions prior to treatment in the summer of 2014 included cracks, open grout joints, and missing tesserae. Previous repair campaigns, including ARG/CS’s 2013 repair of the Cyprus mosaic, were noted during treatment.
Work was divided into two phases on the north and south wings. Conditions assessments and recommendations for repair were completed for each mosaic prior to treatment. The treatments were designed for the group, and began with a general cleaning. A flexible acrylic-modified cement grout was used to repair open grout joints. The museum supplied previously recovered tesserae, and replacement tesserae were procured from a supplier specializing in imported Italian tesserae. In some areas, infill repairs were preferred to better match the shape and color of the missing tesserae.
Exterior Mosaic Conservation
Stanford University
Stanford California