San Francisco, California 94111
Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm
+1 415 828 1451

Cantor Visual Arts Center Mosaics

ARG Conservation Services (ARG/CS) was retained by Stanford University in the spring of 2014 to assess conditions and execute treatments for the ten mosaics that decorate the exterior east elevation of the Cantor Arts Center. The mosaics are constructed of glass tesserae embedded in a cement mortar. Work was planned so

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Brotherhood of Man

The “Brotherhood of Man” by Anthony Stellon, was a gift from May Joseph Alioto to the City of San Francisco and was originally installed at the Martin Luther King Jr. swimming pool in the Bayview Hunters Point District. The mosaic was removed during pool renovations in 1996. The entire was

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Beach Chalet Exterior Mosaic

This untitled mosaic is one of a series of mosaics designed by Lucien Laubdt and installed by Primo Caredio during the WPA era at the historic Beach Chalet at Ocean Beach in San Francisco, California. The “1900” on the mosaic commemorates the year when jursidiction of San Francisco’s parks passed

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Bufano “Peace”

The thirty-eight-foot-tall Peace sculpture was designed by artist Beniamino Bufano in 1938 and 1939. The stainless-steel missile-shaped Madonna figure includes a central glass tile mosaic inlay depicting the Universal Child. It was originally located at the San Francisco Airport before being moved to its current location on Brotherhood Way in

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Bufano “Madonna”

Beniamino Bufano was a renowned local figure in the San Francisco Bay Area, famous for being politically outspoken and artistically creative. Born in 1889 and spending his youth in New York as an immigrant from San-Fele, Italy, Bufano traveled the world before settling in San Francisco. Here he was commissioned

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